RENT - Community Theatre of Greensboro
"Rent" is a groundbreaking rock musical that tells the story of a group of young artists and friends struggling to survive and create a life in New York City's East Village under the shadow of HIV/AIDS. Written by Jonathan Larson, the musical is a modern adaptation of Puccini's opera "La Bohème" and features a diverse and dynamic cast of characters. Themes of love, loss, and the fight for authenticity are central, set against a backdrop of economic hardship and social challenges. With memorable songs like "Seasons of Love" and "La Vie Bohème," "Rent" is celebrated for its raw and powerful portrayal of the bohemian lifestyle in the late 1980s and early 1990s. The Community Theatre of Greensboro's production promises to bring this iconic story to life with passion and energy, offering an unforgettable experience for audiences.
RATED PG-14: Contains Mature Content, themes & Language