Holiday Hands-On Clay Crafts
Sat, Jul 27, 2024
The Art Gallery at Congdon Yards
Saturday, July 27 from 9:30 a.m. to noon
Instructor: Jack Blanchard, TAG Clay Studio Manager
Adult price (over 18) -TAG (Mentor $125 Level) $35 member and $45 non-member
Family price (children under 15) - TAG (Mentor $125 Level) $70 member and$80 non-member
(no limit to the number of children in the family group, however all children under 15 must be supervised by an adult family member at all times)
Children (ages 15-18) - $30
Come to TAG to make great holiday ornaments and gifts! Students will be given a slab of clay from which they may make winter-themed sculptures and ornaments. Each participant will create at least one 3D work of art (more if time allows). All materials will be provided.